Saturday, May 16, 2009

Five Easy Tips on How to Gain Muscle and Burn Fat

Five Easy Tips on How to Gain Muscle and Burn Fat

Anyone can change their lifestyle and learn how to gain muscle and burn fat. There is, however, no one trick or technique that is the answer to the perfect body. Eating right, exercising, and getting plenty of rest is the best way to achieve a healthy, slim, and muscular body. Follow
these five easy tips and you'll soon see the results for yourself.

1. Do a thirty day plan.

Too many people try to implement life changes and become overwhelmed. Giving up is the reason that people fail at gaining muscle and burning fat. Don't make a commitment for the rest of your life. The doubts will come and you will soon fall into your old habits. Instead, make a pledge that you are going to make a positive change for thirty days. Commit yourself for thirty days. During this time, do not accept any excuses. At the end of those thirty days, take the time to evaluate the change. If you feel you benefited from your new habit, commit yourself to it for another thirty days. Try to add only one or two habits at a time.

2. Cut sugar.

Stop filling up on high sugar and high calorie snacks and drinks. In order to gain muscle and burn fat your body needs nutrition. You will have to burn more calories than you consume. Don't feel that you have to diet, however, or restrict your caloric intake to an extreme level. Instead, find the big culprits in your diet and cut them out. Say goodbye to soda pop, crackers, and cookies. Replace the soft drinks with water and the crackers and cookies with whole foods such as fruits and vegetables.

3. Exercise in the morning when you first get up.

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